Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nutritionist or professional chef. I do not provide nutritional breakdowns or carb counts with my recipes. Google is a great source for that if needed. Blessed be... and happy cooking!

Monday, December 4, 2023

The End of an Era... Well really just a re-organization...

In a nutshell, the Recipe Club has outgrown Gmail's limits.

I took a week off for hunting, so that skipped one mailing. During the 2-week period that followed I didn't group mail and the member count rose and topped their limits. The December 2 mailing kicked back a few addresses. I researched and found that in order for me to keep doing what I had been doing I'd have to split the group into multiple lists to be mailed separately. Depending on group size this would have to happen over the course of more than one day. I am sorry to say this, but honestly, that's more work than I want to do.

To that end, I am disbanding the Club and making all recipes available through the Contact Form all the time. If you see a recipe you like and would like a PDF version, simply use the Contact Form and shoot me a request. I'll get that PDF out to you by return mail just as soon as I can.

I'm sorry, folks, but rest assured I'm doing my best with what cards I'm dealt. 

Blessed be... and happy cooking!