Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nutritionist or professional chef. I do not provide nutritional breakdowns or carb counts with my recipes. Google is a great source for that if needed. Blessed be... and happy cooking!

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Weekend Ramble... or maybe I just need a vacation.

March and April are my least favorite months.
It's a limbo time where winter is kind of still hanging
on and spring just isn't springing fast enough. I have my
own version of March Madness.... grrrr.
There's mud everywhere
There is snow and ice where it shouldn't be
It's still cold enough for the furnace to kick in
I despise painting
My shoulder hurts
The Market isn't doing what it should
There's mud everywhere
I want to eat a pound of ravioli slathered in butter
The pond is still frozen
I'm sick of diabetes
The lawn looks like shit
The trees look like shit
Is it ever going to stop raining?
There's mud everywhere and I want a drink
People need to be nicer
Suppliers need to ship faster
If I can muster up common courtesy, everyone else should, too
Telemarketers should at least speak English I can understand
My knees hurt
I'll probably be dead in 20 years
There's mud everywhere
I want to binge on Oreos... but I can't... and I won't

Damn mud...